
MCalx is a small and quick C++ calculator for performing all the basic and commons matrix operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and others.
Gauss-Jordan method was chosen to calculate the inverse, determinant and other matrix. It is also possible to solve a system of linear equations using the inverse matrix method.
MCalx was tested in lastest version of:

  • Archlinux (Current Release: 2015.03.01)
  • Manjaro Linux (Release: 0.8.12)
  • Debian "Jessie"
  • Crunchbang "Waldorf"
  • Huayra GNU/Linux (Release: 2.2)
  • PuppyLinux (Release: Tahrpup-6.0.2-CE)

This software is released under the GNU General Public License


  • FLTK (>=1.3.1)
  • g++ (>=4.7)
  • Xcursor: X cursor management library
  • Xfixes: X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library
  • Xext: X11 miscellaneous extensions library
  • Xft: X11 font drawing library
  • Xinerama: X11 Xinerama extension library



FLTK site

g++ site


  • 08-2020 | Version 0.1.5 (beta)
  • 03-2015 | Version 0.1.1 (beta)


  • Addition, subtraction and multiplication
  • Inverse, transpose and adjunct of a matrix
  • Matrix - escalar multiplication
  • Power of matrix
  • Gauss-Jordan elimination, determinant and rank
  • Results to clipboard (CSV format)
  • Solve up to 32x32 matrices
  • Soon more ...
